Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

Merubah File Permission Ubuntu

Merubah File Permission Ubuntu, tips ini digunakan ketika kita ingin menghapus file di Ubuntu yang asli di HDD, baik di shared folder maupun bukan, biasanya ketika kita shared menggunakan SAMBA (share file dengan windows) kemudian ada kesalahan/error seperti ini "Error removing file: Permission denied", maka kita harus merubah status file atau folder yang statusnya hanya read Only menjadi writable, berikut caranya:

The "permissions" tab in the directory's properties window says that it has read, write, and execute for owner, user, and group. But it still refuses to be removed. I've tried removing them as root in the terminal, but it doesnt work. I have no idea have chmod works.

I am the biggest n00b ever. Help!

If you're extra super user, sure you want to delete the folder, and everything in it, try this command (delete recursively and force it):
sudo rm -rf folder_name


If not, try this command to set permissions (recursively, everyone can read/write/execute):
sudo chmod -R 777 folder_name

Then try to delete it again :
sudo rm -rf folder_name

Still not working?

Post the results of this command, if not:
ls -l folder_name


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